I have been meditating for around two and half hours a day for quite a long time now. Many months. And I’m approaching the one-year mark on my DNRS practice which is a type of meditation. This morning I had an extraordinary experience I want to share — but, writing about experiences that happen in […]
Author: Eric
My healing circle experience
Did I mention that I am starting a Power of Eight healing group? As I watched more and more testimonials from Dr. Dispenza, I became increasingly impressed with the number of people who mentioned the powerful experiences and spontaneous healings occurring in healing circles. So I joined a Facebook group for students of Dr. Dispenza […]
100 days of DNRS
Completing 100 days of DNRS (and nearly as many with Dispenza meditation) feels momentous and I know the hardest hurdles are behind me. I’m on a roll and thrilled with my progress and practice. Below is my progress page list. Writing this update feels nearly hopeless in that mere words are so inadequate to convey […]
Self-healing with neuroplasticity and meditation
This is the post I have postponed writing the longest. For years I have wanted to and promised to write about the emotional and psychological impact of being chronically ill. But what I had to say at the time wasn’t very useful. Chronic illness creates this downward spiral in your mind which eventually transforms and […]
Zearalenone and fusariosis?
I just received the results from the first mycotoxin lab work I’ve done and it explains a lot. My doc, to her great credit, has been pushing me to do this test for several years, probably from my first appointment with her and I finally got it done. Why did I delay? I always suspected […]
The microcurrent miracle!
If only I could remember what impulse caused me to read Healing is Voltage by Dr. Jerry Tennant but it really caught my attention and I started researching microcurrent heavily. I also read Resonance Effect and Bob Beck’s The Body Electric which is mind blowing. The first device that I bought is a Russian microcurrent gadget, the Denas PCM-6. I bought Benedick Howard‘s most […]
How to get and stay healthy
What I’ve learned about healthcare through 15 years of illness and continuous research would be shocking to the average person (if they believed me). The average person, though, is healthy enough to have little interest in learning the truth. As they say, it’s easier to fool a person than it is for a person to […]
Nutritional Balancing Science
I was astonished when I plugged my latest hair test numbers into the spreadsheet I use to analyze result. But I was more than surprised, I was overjoyed-and tears began to stream down my face. That’s because I’ve been working on normalizing my mineral balance for nearly 4 years and consistently falling into the most […]
Vitamin D deficiency and sunlight deprivation
This is a very painful post to write. It’s about my mistakes. There have been so many missed opportunities over the years and many times I have been on the right track but given up too soon not having clearly understood what was happening. What am I talking about? I gave up on ozone, vitamin […]
Lyme Disease under the microscope
Seems to me that one of the best ways to diagnose and monitor Lyme disease is with the microscope. Not only can you see very quickly whether your blood is healthy or diseased, you can go back to the microscope regularly to monitor your progress. Getting a look at the critters in our blood has […]
Lyme disease and co-infections
Yep, I’ve got everything but the kitchen sink, so we might as well add in Lyme disease and co-infections, the more the merrier! My first Lyme disease test was 10 years ago (Igenex) and one of my blog readers said it was possibly positive even though the MD who ordered it never mentioned that to […]
What must be done
If you suffer with chronic illness, by definition you’re stuck in a vicious cycle. Some imbalance is causing a disruption which further worsens the imbalance that triggered the disruption. And you go around in circles. For example, let’s say you’re low in magnesium or calcium which causes insomnia which triggers a cascade of other insults […]
Fighting copper with copper
I’ve been fighting copper toxicity for about three years now and as a result of blogging about it, I’ve heard from a number of others in the same boat. It’s always very motivational to hear from those who fought the battle and won. But sometimes it’s much more than motivational because hearing their stories brings […]
Testing for chronic fatigue and other mystery illnesses
My brother asked me what tests I recommend and that got me thinking that I’m starting to feel confident about a few recommendations for anyone not getting real help from their MD. In addition to my own saga, I’ve been trying to help my wife and youngest daughter with their health issues and through this […]
It’s the iron, stupid
If you research either vitamin D or copper enough, you’re bound to come across Morley Robbins contrarian views eventually. I tend to listen to people who seem to have deep knowledge in tightly confined areas especially when they say everyone else is wrong. So about a year ago, I stopped trying to take vitamin D […]