I made a number of changes starting Friday through Sunday. I believe the most significant are the ones related to methylation and functional B-12 deficiency. I’m going to post next about that and the massive diet change I made yesterday. b-complex – eliminated because it contains folic acid (related to methylation) folate – added 800 […]
Author: Eric
I’m afraid you’ve been taken for a ride
[H]ere’s what was waiting in my inbox this morning: I’m afraid you’ve been taken for a ride. See www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Tests/urine_toxic.html Here’s my reply: Dan, it’s quite a coincidence that just yesterday I was writing about the unreliability of the urine test. I was making an effort to keep track of the questions friends and family are […]
Frequently asked questions about heavy metal toxicity and mercury poisoning
I’m going to keep a list of the questions I’m getting asked by friends, family and others about heavy metal toxicity: How did you get tested and what kind of doctor did you use (mainstream/ alternative)? What is the best test for diagnosing heavy metals? How reliable is the urine challenge test? If I want […]
Fish oil insomnia… again
Fish oil is supposed to be the healthiest substance on the planet, so I keep trying it. It keeps defeating me. From Monday to Thursday I had 267 mg of omega-3 fish oil before I was hit with insomnia. I was drifting in and out from 11PM to 1 AM, took some GABA and finally […]
The chelation roller coaster
[I] wrote about this week’s round too early and said something really absurd — that next week I was thinking of increasing from 10 to 12 doses. Not going to happen. In the future, I’ll try to hold off writing about a round until the very last hour is up. Yesterday, near the end of […]
Supplement changes
I really fear changing so many things at one time but so far so good. I increased and added the following supplements this week: Iodine – 6.25 mg Iodoral (added and stopped using 17 mg of potassium iodide liquid ) Selenium – 100 mcg (added) in addition to Brazil nuts Magnesium – increased from 150 […]
From 3 hour to 2.4 hour intervals…
[T]oday I’m completing my first round at 10 doses per day . My first four rounds were 8 doses per day which is the equivalent of every 3 hours. I made a new and much better pill container shown above. Ten Dixie cups are glued with hot melt glue onto the wood. Then another Dixie […]
Meet John who recovered from ankylosing spondylitis
I want you to meet John MacGregor who generously agreed to tell his remarkable recovery story — how he cured an “incurable” disease called Spondylitis which causes a great deal of pain in the back and neck. John experienced a great number of autoimmune conditions and has beaten many of them. He’s currently doing heavy […]
I’m dreaming again
[I]’m not talking about daydreaming of recovering my health and all the fun things we’ll do. I’m talking about dreaming during sleep. As long as I can remember, I’ve been telling people that I don’t remember my dreams. But yesterday, reading Amalgam Illness I came across this: As the victims level of intoxication waxes and […]
When I get healthy, I’m going to…
[I]f you are like me, you’ve been stockpiling things you’ll do someday but can’t because you’re not well enough. It’s time for me to make a list, right now, right here: Big things vacation with my family in Spain visit my brother and his family in Texas take my family camping take intro snowboarding class […]
The Iodine Crisis
I read The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow yesterday and was so impressed, I can barely put it into words. I’m absolutely convinced my wife and I are iodine deficient. This is a book every woman who doesn’t want to get breast cancer or a mastectomy should read and probably every man with chronic health […]
[M]y fourth round is complete now. Yesterday was my first day off round and I was fatigued with lots of brain fog until late evening. Feels like the standard adrenal crash I experience on Mondays after a busy weekend. In spite of the fatigue and fog however I was and still am obsessed with chelation. […]
3rd round with 4 consecutive saunas completed
I finished my third chelation round yesterday evening and just took my fourth sauna in a row (one each day). Here’s what I’ve noticed: Chelation While chelating, I get some very slight headaches occasionally where the pain is located in the middle of the head a little to the rear. I notice because I don’t […]
First sauna
[Y]ou can’t read about detoxification without reading over and over again about the importance of saunas. So I decided to turn my bathroom into a sauna using three 250 W heat lamps hanging from the shower curtain rod and another 1500 W infrared heater sitting next to the tub. I did 45 minutes and got […]
Toxic metals challenge test from Doctors Data
Here are the results of my toxic metals urine test (and hair test here) which involved a challenge agent and six-hour timed urine collection (please excuse the typos introduced by OCR): Barium High Barium (Ba) has not been established to be an essential element. Elevated levels of Ba often are observed after exposure to Ba […]