The standard liver flush formula (boiled down to its essence) takes place in the evening and looks like this:
- take no supplements on the day of the flush
- eat no fat in your meals at breakfast or lunch and avoid sugar
- have no food or drink after 2 PM
- drink 2 cups epsom salt mix (see below for mixture) between 6:00 PM and 9:00 PM (the old-school says one cup at 6 PM and a second at 8 PM, but sipping continuously between 6 and 9 PM may be more effective)
- drink 1/2 cup olive oil at 10:00 PM (mix with 1/4 to 1/2 half cup lemon or grapefruit juice if you want for taste)
- immediately lie down flat on your back with your head slightly elevated for 20 minutes (massage your liver with hands or lacrosse ball if you want)
- go to sleep (consider taking some charcoal capsules before bed)
- wake up and drink another cup of Epsom salt water (about eight hours after the flush)
- two hours later, take some psyllium fiber to push any remaining stones
- after the last step, start eating again whenever you feel like it
The double flush formula
- some people like me and liver flush guru Michael Handel do two flushes in a row
- if I’m doing an evening flush, I would wake at 5 AM and drink 1/2 cup epsom salt water, wake again at 6 AM for another half cup Epsom salt water, followed by a second half cup of olive oil at 7 or 8 AM
The morning flush formula
- take no supplements on the day of the flush
- eat no fat after lunch (or dinner) the day before
- drink 2 cups epsom salt mix (see below for mixture) divided into thirds at 5:00 AM, 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM (you can play around with the timing because there are probably lots of ways to make it work)
- drink 1/2 cup olive oil at 8:00 AM (mix with 1/4 to 1/2 half cup lemon or grapefruit juice if you want for taste)
- immediately lie down flat on your back with your head slightly elevated for 20 minutes (massage your liver with hands or lacrosse ball if you want)
- take three charcoal caps if you want
- around 11 AM do your second bowel flush with either Epsom salt, saltwater or vitamin C
- about two hours later, take some psyllium fiber to push any remaining stones
- after the last step, start eating again whenever you feel like it
- it’s not necessary to use olive oil – any healthy oil will do, so theoretically you could use avocado, almond, hazelnut, coconut oil etc. (preferably organic)
- some people use a combination of raw egg yolks and any vegetable oil in place of olive oil
- some people use salt water instead of epsom salt for the last bowel flush (I found it dehydrates me terribly and I’m going to try vitamin C instead next time)
Bowel flush recipes
- epsom salt flush: the old-school mixture is 4 tablespoons Epsom salt in 3 cups of water – 1 tablespoon Epsom salt per cup of water is more than enough for me
- epsom salt is hard on the kidneys which is why some people prefer alternatives like the following:
- salt water flush (SWF): works well for me, mixing 2 teaspoons of sea salt in 4 cups of water (but the dehydration makes me feel miserable)
- vitamin C flush: powder or magnesium citrate/oxide can be mixed with water easily but you’ll need to experiment to find the amount that causes your bowels to flush because everyone has a unique tolerances. I use sodium ascorbate.
What can go wrong
- bile is oily and slippery which prevent stones from getting stuck but… although it’s rare, a stone can get stuck on its way out and be very painful – just repeat the flush starting with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water every 2 to 3 hours followed by your olive oil an hour after the last epsom salt – here’s a video explaining a slightly more elaborate procedure
- if you’re worried about stones getting stuck, you may want to take Chanca Piedra or malic acid for several weeks before your flush
- nothing might come out – try again
Suggested reading
- The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
- The Cure for all Diseases
- Denis’ liver flush blog
- Liver Flush Truth