What I’ve learned about healthcare through 15 years of illness and continuous research would be shocking to the average person (if they believed me). The average person, though, is healthy enough to have little interest in learning the truth. As they say, it’s easier to fool a person than it is for a person to accept he’s been fooled.
Nevertheless, I feel compelled to organize and lay out what I’ve learned about how to get healthy and stay healthy. First some background and philosophy and then a nuts and bolts recipe:
First do no harm
“You can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking you used when you created them.”
-Albert Einstein
Tragically, most of my 15 years of illness could have been avoided had I not taken the wrong supplements and allowed MDs to medicate me with pharmaceuticals. During the first five years of my illness I turned a manageable health problem into a life altering catastrophe, through my own ignorance and that of my MD. Here’s how I could have avoided harming myself and rules I’ll follow for the rest of my life:
- never take mineral supplements (includes multivitamins) without doing Hair Test Mineral Analysis
- never rely solely on an MD, get opinions from a naturopath, homeopath and possibly a chiropractor
- never take a prescription drug without researching it on askapatient.com and asking your naturopath what might go wrong
- understand allopathic medicine’s strengths and weaknesses (see the next section)
Attitude adjustment
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
-Issac Asimov
Now, if everything you think you know about our health system is wrong, you’ll never avoid harming yourself or allowing others to do you harm. Growing up, we were all brainwashed to believe that MDs were the ultimate benevolent health authority in our lives. In reality, MDs are the third leading cause of death in the USA. How is this possible? It began in the 1920s when the profession was captured by the pharmaceutical industry. Most MDs don’t even know that they exist in the pharmaceutical paradigm set up by the Carnegie’s and Rockefeller’s who owned drug manufacturing companies. I don’t expect you to believe me, all I want is for you to pay attention and decide for yourself:
- Watch The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines and Death By Medicine documentaries:
- Read Medical Errors: STILL the Third Leading Cause of Death
- Avoid falling for the medical diagnosis your MD (or even your naturopath) wants to pin on you and never stop searching for root causes. Whether you’ve been told you have hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, IBS, adrenal fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis etc, these are just collections of symptoms, not root causes. Examples of true root causes are emotional (limiting beliefs and traumas), automobile or sporting accidents, toxic exposures, prolonged stress, sleep loss, poor or wrong diet, infections of all kinds and genetic flaws.
Rethink Your Environment
The city’s most of us live in our a seething mass of pollution – you’re breathing it, eating and drinking it and cooking in an ocean of microwaves, Wi-Fi and blue light.
- If you’ve been vaccinated for anything, you’ve been injected with toxic metals.
- If you use a smart phone or wifi, you’re dehydrating your cells and stimulating viral and bacterial pathogens to replicate at high rates in your body
- If you drink city water, you’re drinking carcinogens and your neighbors prescription drugs.
- Look up your city’s air and water quality. Here’s Boulder, CO compared to Denver and USA average.
- Household products are toxic and what you breathe goes into your bloodstream.
- If you do a lot of DIY home improvement or have hobbies that involve using glues, paints, solder or solvents, you’re living dangerously.
- If you live in a home that has ever sustained water damage, has a damp basement or foundation walls, or you use your AC most of the year, you are likely breathing mycotoxins and mold spores.
Get Root Cause Testing
You want to get testing that will tease out the root causes of your illness and for that you need to go upstream of your symptoms. For example, what do you think might happen if we disrupted your sleep every night for 3, 5 or 10 years?
Do you think you might develop blood sugar control problems and possibly metabolic syndrome? How about immune system diseases like psoriasis or thyroiditis? Cancer? Okay so let’s study your sleep. Let’s also study what might be disrupting it. Following this line of thinking here are a number of tests that fit that upstream characteristic for me:
- mold illness testing starting with visual acuity and including genetics and mycotoxin urine analysis
- dental cone beam scan to find hidden infections (especially under old root canals)
- vitamin D level
- Lyme disease and other pathogens including viral loads (look up retrovirus)
- Hair Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
- Toxic Metals Challenge
- sleep study (at home, not in a facility)
- measure your oxygen saturation with an oximeter
- standard bloodwork
- nutritional analysis
- food sensitivities
For more about these tests including examples, please see my detailed post on testing.
How to get well
- Use your brain – of all your options, your mind is the most powerful healing tool available to you.
- Fix your diet – read some paleo books and give it a go, try a grain free diet for 3 months, try dairy-free for 3 months. Stop eating refined sugar and cut way back on fruit. Avoid eating farmed salmon, the most toxic food on the planet. Try intermittent fasting to trigger DNA repair and keep the fat from building back up after your master cleanse (see Detoxify below).
- Fix your sleep – our bodies do necessary repair work while we sleep, so getting deep refreshing sleep should be your highest priority. Do whatever it takes. Make sure you don’t have sleep apnea, and if you do, solve it. Treat your sleep area like a shrine. I sleep with earplugs, tape my mouth shut, use blackout shades, and never bring a phone in my room. Dr. Stasha says her patients start sleeping well when their vitamin D levels reach 80 ng/ml. On the other had, Morley Robbins says that would be a big mistake.
- Fix your teeth – dental problems are a top cause of chronic illness, either through infections which often hide under root canals, wisdom teeth extraction sites, or through silver amalgams that contain mercury, one of the most toxic poisons known to mankind.
- Fix or change your environment – check your house for mold and toxins, get rid of scented consumer products, avoid soft plastics, switch to glass and metal where possible. Eliminate rugs and avoid fresh paint and new things (houses and cars). Stop breathing car exhaust when you drive by closing the windows and turning on air recirculation. Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic frequencies EMF including wireless is much as possible. Note that Dr. Klinghardt will not accept patients who cannot commit to this step. The Earth’s magnetic field resonates at 9.8 Hz and this is what your body needs for harmony. Your cel phone emits 800 MHz or more and your cordless phone most likely runs at 5 GHZ – these frequencies are disruptive to our fragile systems and encourage bacteria like Borellia that causes Lyme disease to replicate 800 times faster than normal (Dr. Klinghardt). Get more sunshine and reduce your exposure to blue light.
- Balance your essential minerals – find a Nutritional Balancing Science practitioner and start taking only the supplements your body needs (and avoiding the ones that will harm you).
- Start a series of liver flushes – in our toxic world, everyone’s liver needs nurturing.
- Eliminate parasites and pathogens – do a retroviral protocol, humaworm cleanse, hydrogen peroxide and/or look into chlorine dioxide. I’m currently relying on a brilliant homeopath for help with Lyme disease.
- Detoxify – start doing near-infrared sauna and try to work your way up to five times a week. Burn off your fat with a master cleanse. Your body stores toxins in the fat, so a significant detox will occur during your cleanse. If your hair test shows heavy metal toxicity, you may also want to look at frequent-dose-chelation. Use activated charcoal to mop up toxins when needed.
- Restore your cell membranes – and mitochondrial function with phosphatidylcholine and omega-3 oils (also know as lipid replacement therapy). About 30% of the population (including me) has a genetic flaw called PEMT which increases our need for choline and causes fatty liver if we do not get enough. That gives me three reasons to take sunflower lecithin – mitochondrial function, liver function and methylation support.
- Destress – one of the most interesting things I learned through nutritional balancing science is that stress alone can cause almost any chronic illness. When the adrenal glands work too hard for too long they lose their ability to regulate your electrolytes which are essential minerals. When they become unbalanced, there is a cascade of health effects which include a sluggish liver. And if your liver is not firing on all cylinders in today’s toxic world, you won’t keep up with your exposures and you’ll steadily become more and more toxic. That means you are less and less functional as a human being. So whatever you’ve got to do to lighten your burden, know that your recovery may depend on it.
- Consider grounding and microcurrent therapy – electromedicine is considered the future by leading scientists and has already developed a track record of success without any side effects or adverse reactions.
- Understand you are your own healer – we are conditioned from the earliest age to believe that it’s our MD who heals us when we fall ill. It’s not your MD, only you can heal yourself. When you are fighting a chronic illness, the complexity is too great for any MD. The vast majority are trained to help you achieve symptom relief with pharmaceutical drugs. This may work for a while, but over the long run you will get sicker. The only way out of the maze that you find yourself in when chronically ill, is for you to decide to become the boss of your recovery. You’ll get help from lots of people, but you need to take ownership of the process and in doing so, realize that your intuitions (and maybe your prayers too) will often be as valuable as any MDs opinion or advice.
- Understand that your body is programmed to heal itself – it wants to heal and all it needs are the right conditions. Your job is just to provide the conditions under which your body can do its own thing, which is recovery.
- Understand redox before detox – this will help you decide what to do first and what to do next which is always the hardest choice to make. If you’re a scientist, read Dr. Jack Kruse. If you’re not, the idea is that you’ll have more success by strengthening your body first before attempting detox. For Dr. Kruse, that means getting more sunshine and avoiding artificial lights, doing infrared sauna, grounding yourself electrically and anything else that strengthens your mitochondrial function. I’ve tried to order the items in this list roughly according to this theory. But as I said, choosing what to do first is probably the hardest question of all and the right answer may be different for everyone.
Now, what have I left out?