[M]y hair test results just arrived (shown below) and they confirm what my urine challenge test revealed. I’m toxic.
[update: 1-year follow-up test here]
[update: 2-year follow-up test here]
[update: 2.5-year follow-up test here]
[update: 3-year follow-up test here]
Looking at it and reading the commentary beneath it puts a little fear and loathing into me initially but nothing here should upset me, because I’ve been living with substantial cognitive and metabolic impairment for more than a decade. For some reason, reading it in print is a little shocking anyway – as if I didn’t know I was sick.
Comments from FDC about it:
I just wanted to note that is the highest out of range Ca/Mg ratio I have seen so far! Per Cutler . . . this means your blood sugar regulation is WAY off (you knew this, of course!)
Extreme high copper over 75 needs to be addressed. Mine was 265, but yours is the highest I have seen. It will emulate mercury in many ways. So it has to be addressed.
Interpretation notes:
- I’m a “slow metabolizer” (HTI page 112).
- In Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities, Andy includes some discussion about high hair copper which seems to apply to me. He notes it might be good to check family members, but I see that my parents do not have high copper.
- Checked the top 10 foods highest in copper and I was gorging myself on three of them at the time the hair grew: nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. I’m not going to worry much about the copper, probably will do a few months of extra zinc, molybdenum and taurine…
- Checking my 2007 blood tests I see that the Doctors Data Whole Blood Elements test showed low copper and somewhat high molybdenum (which I’m guessing I was supplementing). Cysteine and sulfate were also in range (other things affected by heavy metals that Andy Cutler recommends checking when copper is high).
- After reading the DDI commentary, it seemed silver was of no concern but in HTI, Andy says otherwise. According to Andy Selenium 200-400 mcg and urine alkaline position may help. Both my mother and father also have high silver. No idea where it comes from although I did work with photographic chemicals as a kid.
- I’m looking forward to trying a lithium supplement!
Possible adjustments to protocol needed:
- add vitamin K – from HTI pg 109: “Low blood calcium leads to slowing of the heart and poor muscular contractions. . . Vitamin K is believed to be involved in regulating where the calcium goes. supplementary vitamin K may help people with osteoporosis or with high here calcium levels.”
- increase taurine – HTI page 110: “low plasma taurine leads to excessive loss of magnesium in urine with a reduction in body levels as well as poor retention of magnesium in tissue such as heart muscle that need high levels of it”. In 2007 when my amino acids were tested, taurine was the lowest.
- increase sodium – HTI page 114: “When sodium is low compared to magnesium the body can’t make enough adrenaline leading to poor mood and energy”.
- increase B6 – HTI page 114: “Having a high ratio of calcium to phosphorus along with a low ratio of sodium to magnesium suggest the need for supplementary vitamin B6” and page 118: “high hair zinc and also low hair magnesium are signs that more vitamin B6 may be needed.”
- increase molybdenum – HTI page 116: “Molybdenum modulates copper metabolism to reduce body copper levels.”
- increase zinc – HTI page 116: “Zinc inhibits copper absorption as does vitamin C.” and page 117 “when mineral transport is deranged, elevated hair zinc invariably indicates a low body burden and zinc supplementation is appropriate. In fact body zinc is almost invariably low when mineral transport is deranged unless zinc is being supplemented at high levels.” and page 119: “people with low zinc due to mercury problems typically need levels of zinc supplementation that would be considered excessive in normal individuals and tolerate high level supplementation for prolonged periods of many years.”
Hair is an excretory tissue for essential, nonessential and potentially toxic elements. In general, the amount of an element that is irreversibly incorporated into growing hair is proportional to the level of the element in other body tissues. Therefore, hair elements analysis provides an indirect screening test for physiological excess, deficiency or maldistribution of elements in the body. Clinical research indicates that hair levels of specific elements, particularly potentially toxic elements such as cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic, are highly correlated with pathological disorders. For such elements, levels in hair may be more indicative of body stores than the levels in blood and urine.
All screening tests have limitations that must be taken into consideration. The correlation between hair element levels and physiological disorders is determined by numerous factors. Individual variability and compensatory mechanisms are major factors that affect the relationship between the distribution of elements in hair and symptoms and pathological conditions. It is also very important to keep in mind that scalp hair is vulnerable to external contamination of elements by exposure to hair treatments and products. Likewise, some hair treatments (e.g. permanent solutions, dyes, and bleach) can strip hair of endogenously acquired elements and result in false low values. Careful consideration of the limitations must be made in the interpretation of results of hair analysis. The data provided should be considered in conjunction with symptomology, diet analysis, occupation and lifestyle, physical examination and the results of other analytical laboratory tests.
Caution: The contents of this report are not intended to be diagnostic and the physician
using this information is cautioned against treatment based solely on the results of this screening test. For example, copper supplementation based upon a result of low hair copper is contraindicated in patients afflicted with Wilson’s Disease.
Lead High
This individual’s hair Lead (Pb) level is considered to be moderately elevated. Generally, hair is a good indicator of exposure to Pb. However, elevated levels of Pb in head hair can be an artifact of hair darkening agents, or dyes, e.g. lead acetate. Although these agents can cause exogenous contamination some transdermal absorption does occur.
Pb has neurotoxic and nephrotoxic effects in humans as well as interfering with heme biosynthesis. Pb may also affect the body’s ability to utilize the essential elements calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
At moderate levels of body burden, Pb may have adverse effects on memory, cognitive function, nerve conduction, and metabolism of vitamin D. Children with hair Pb levels greater than 1 pg/g have been reported to have a higher incidence of hyperactivity than those with less than 1 pg/g. Children with
hair Pb levels above 3 pg/g have been reported to have more learning problems than those with less than 3 pg/g. Detoxification therapy by means of chelation results in transient increases in hair lead. Eventually, the hair Pb level will normalize after detoxification is complete.
Symptoms associated with excess Pb are somewhat nonspecific, but include: anemia, headaches, fatigue, weight loss, cognitive dysfunction and decreased coordination.
Sources of exposure to Pb include: welding, old leaded paint (chips/dust), drinking water, some fertilizers, industrial pollution, lead-glazed pottery, Ayruvedic herbs and use of firearms.
Tests for Pb body burden are: urine elements analysis following provocation with intravenous Ca-EDTA, or oral DMSA. Whole blood analysis for Pb reflects recent or ongoing exposures and does not correlate well with total body burden.
Mercury High
Hair mercury (Hg) is an excellent indicator of exposure to methylmercury from fish. Mercury is toxic to humans and animals. Individuals vary greatly in sensitivity and tolerance to Hg burden.
Hg can suppress biological selenium function and may cause or contribute to immune dysregulation in sensitive individuals. Hallmark symptoms of excess Hg include: loss of appetite, decreased senses of touch, hearing, and vision, fatigue, depression, emotional instability, peripheral numbness and
tremors, poor memory and cognitive dysfunction, and neuromuscular disorders. Hair Hg has been reported to correlate with acute myocardial infarction and on average each 1 pg/g of hair Hg was found to correlate with a 9% increase in AMI risk (Circulation 1995; 91:645-655).
Sources of Hg include dental amalgams, fish, water supplies, some hemorrhoidal preparations, skin lightening agents, instruments (thermometers, electrodes, batteries), and combustion of fossil fuels, Ayurvedic herbs, some fertilizers, and the paper/pulp and gold industries. After dental amalgams are installed or removed a transient (several months) increase in hair Hg is observed. Also, “baseline” hair Hg levels for individuals with dental amalgams are higher (about 1 to 2 pg/g) than are baseline levels for those without (below 1 pg/g).
Confirmatory tests for elevated Hg are measurement of whole blood as an indication of recent/ongoing exposure (does not correlate with whole body accumulation) and measurement of urine Hg before and after administration of a dithiol metal binding agent such as DMSA or DMPS (an indication of total body burden).
Nickel High
Hair is a reasonable tissue for monitoring exposure to Nickel (Ni). However, hair is commonly contaminated with Ni from hair treatments and dyes. When hair Ni is measured at more than .6 ppm, the possible use of hair dyes or colorings should be investigated before concluding that excessive Ni is present.
There is substantial evidence that Ni is an essential element which is required in extremely low amounts. However, excess Ni has been well established to be nephrotoxic, and carcinogenic. Elevated Ni is often found in individuals who work in the electronic and plating, mining, and steel manufacture industries. A cigarette typically contains from 2 to 6 mcg of Ni; Ni is absorbed more efficiently in the lungs than in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of chronic Ni exposure include dermatitis, chronic rhinitis, and hypersensitivity reactions. Ni can hypersensitize the immune system, subsequently causing hyperallergenic responses to many different substances.
Symptoms of Ni toxicity are dermatitis and pulmonary inflammation (following exposure to Ni dust, smoke). Long term or chronic Ni toxicity may lead to liver necrosis and carcinoma.
A test for elevated Ni body burdenis the measurement of urine Ni before and after administration of chelating agents that mobilize Ni i.e., Ca-EDTA.
Silver High
Hair Silver (Ag) levels have been found to reflect environmental exposure to the element. However, hair is commonly contaminated with Ag from hair treatments such as permanents, dyes, and bleaches.
Ag is not an essential element and is of relatively low toxicity. However, some Ag salts are very toxic.
Sources of Ag include seafood, metal and chemical processing industries, photographic processes, jewelry making (especially soldering), effluents from coal fired power plants and colloidal silver products.
The bacteriostatic properties of Ag have been long recognized and Ag has been used extensively for medicinal purposes; particularly in the treatment of burns. There is much controversy over the long term safety of consumption of colloidal silver. Very high intake of colloidal silver has been reported to give rise to tumors in the liver and spleen of animals (Metals in Clinical and Analytical Chemistry, eds. Seiler, Segel and Segel, 1994). However, these data may not have relevance to the effects of chronic, low level consumption by humans.
Calcium High
Hair Calcium (Ca) levels have been correlated with nutritional intake, several disease syndromes, and metabolic disorders. However, hair Ca is sensitive to contamination by permanent solutions, dyes or bleaching. If hair has been treated, the reported Ca level is likely to be artifactually high and not indicative of Ca status or metabolism.
When external contamination is ruled out, elevated Ca is most often interpreted as a maldistribution of Ca. Rarely is elevated hair Ca indicative of excess dietary Ca. However, overzealous supplementation is possible. A high result for hair Ca is more likely to be indicative of an inappropriately low ratio of dietary Ca : phosphorus. Conditions associated with elevated hair Ca include but are not limited to: hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis, excess dietary Ca or protein, excess vitamins A and/or D, phosphorus/magnesium/calcium imbalance (assessed by whole blood element analysis), hypoglycemia, hormonal imbalances, and metabolic disorders.
Hair analysis is not the preferred way to assess body Ca stores. Ca status should be assessed through: dietary analysis, whole blood or serum Ca level, vitamin A and D levels, blood concentrations of other electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium), parathyroid hormone determinations, and bone density measurement.
Sodium Low
The level of Sodium (Na) in hair has not been documented to be indicative of dietary adequacy or nutritional status. Na is an essential element with extracellular electrolyte functions, but these functions do not occur in hair. Low hair Na may have no clinical significance or it may be consistent with electrolyte imbalance associated with adrenal insufficiency. In this condition, blood Na would be low, blood potassium would be high, and urinary levels of Na would be expected to be high. Observations at DDI indicate that Na and potassium levels in hair are commonly low in association with emotional stress. The low levels of Na and potassium are frequently concomitant with high levels of calcium and magnesium in hair. This apparent “emotional stress pattern” requires further investigation.
Appropriate tests for Na status as an electrolyte are measurements of Na in whole blood and urine, and measurements of adrenocortical function.
Potassium Low
The level of Potassium (K) in hair does not reflect nutritional status or dietary intake. However, hair K levels may provide clinically relevant information pertaining to adrenal function and/or electrolyte balance.
K is an electrolyte and a potentiator of enzyme functions in cells, but neither of these functions takes place in hair. K can be low in the body as the result of gastrointestinal or renal dysfunction, or as a side effect of some diuretics. In adrenocortical hyperactivity, blood levels of K are depressed, while urinary K is increased. Low hair K should be viewed as a screening test. Observations at DDI indicate that hair levels of sodium and K are commonly low in association with emotional stress. The low levels of sodium and K are frequently concomitant with high levels of calcium and magnesium in hair. This apparent “emotional stress pattern” requires further investigation.
Symptoms of true K deficiency include: muscle weakness, fatigue, and tachycardia. Diabetic acidosis can result in severe K loss.
Confirmatory tests for K deficiency include measurements of packed red blood cell K; whole blood K and the sodium/K ratio; urine K and the sodium/K ratio. An electrocardiogram may show abnormalities when K is low in serum/plasma or whole blood.
Copper High
The high level of Copper (Cu) in hair may be indicative of excess Cu in the body. However, it is important first to rule out exogenous contamination sources: permanent solutions, dyes, bleaches, swimming pool/hot tub water, and washing hair in acidic water carried through Cu pipes. In the case of contamination from hair preparations, other elements (aluminum, silver, nickel, titanium) are usually also elevated.
Sources of excessive Cu include contaminated food or drinking water, excessive Cu supplementation, and occupational or environmental exposures. Insufficient intake of competitively absorbed elements such as zinc or molybdenum can lead to, or worsen Cu excess.
Medical conditions that may be associated with excess Cu include: biliary obstruction (reduced ability to excrete Cu), liver disease (hepatitis or cirrhosis), and renal dysfunction. Symptoms associated with excess Cu accumulation are muscle and joint pain, depression, irritability, tremor, hemolytic anemia, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders.
Confirmatory tests for Cu excess are a comparison of Cu in pre vs. post provocation (D-penicillamine, DMPS) urine elements tests and a whole blood elements analysis.
Zinc High
A result of high hair Zinc (Zn) may be indicative of low Zn in cells, and functional Zn insufficiency, or excessive Zn supplementation. Zn can be displaced from proteins such as intracellular metallothionein by other metals, particularly cadmium, lead, copper, and mercury (Toxicology of Metals, 1994), resulting in paradoxically elevated hair Zn. Zn may also be high in hair as a result of the use of Zn-containing anti-dandruff shampoo. Rough or dry, flaky skin is a symptom of Zn deficiency, so it is not uncommon for Zn deficient patients to use an anti-dandruff shampoo. A result of high hair Zn warrants further testing to assess Zn status. Confirmatory tests for Zn status are whole blood or packed red blood cell elements analysis.
Zn is an essential element that is required in many very important biological processes. However, Zn can be toxic if exposure is excessive. Although very uncommon, high hair Zn might be indicative of Zn overload which could result from Zn contaminated water (galvanized pipes), welding or gross, chronic over-supplementation (100 mg/day). Other sources of Zn include: manufacture of brass, bronze, white paint, and pesticide production. Symptoms of Zn excess include: gastrointestinal disorders, decreased heme synthesis (copper deficiency), tachycardia, blurred vision, and hypothermia.
Chromium Low
Hair Chromium (Cr) is a good indicator of tissue levels and may provide a better indication of status than do urine or blood plasma/serum (Nielsen, F.H. In Modern Nutrition on Health and Disease; 8th Edition, 1994. Ed. Shils, Olson and Shike. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia). Hair Cr is seldom affected by permanent solutions, dyes and bleaches.
Cr (trivalent) is generally accepted as an essential trace element that is required for maintenance of normal glucose and cholesterol levels; it potentiates insulin function, i.e., as a part of “glucose tolerance factor”. Deficiency conditions may include hyperglycemia, transient hyper/hypoglycemia, fatigue, accelerated atherosclerogenesis, elevated LDL cholesterol, increased need for insulin and diabetes-like symptoms, and impaired stress responses. Marginal or insufficient Cr is common in the U.S., where average tissue levels are low compared to those found in many other countries. Low hair Cr appears to be associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and an atherogenic lipoprotein profile (low HDL, high LDL). Common causes of deficiency are ingestion of highly processed foods, inadequate soil levels of Cr, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and insufficient vitamin B-6. Cr status is also compromised in patients with iron overload/high transferrin saturation because transferrin is a major transport protein for Cr.
Confirmatory tests for Cr adequacy include glucose tolerance and packed red blood cell elements analysis.
Lithium Low
Lithium (Li) is normally found in hair at very low levels. Hair Li correlates with high dosage of Li carbonate in patients treated for Affective Disorders. However, the clinical significance of low hair Li levels is not certain at this time. Thus, hair Li is measured primarily for research purposes. Anecdotally, clinical feedback to DDI consultants suggests that low level Li supplementation may have some beneficial effects in patients with behavioral/emotional disorders. Li occurs almost universally in water and in the diet; excess Li is rapidly excreted in urine.
Li at low levels may have essential functions in humans. Intracellularly, Li inhibits the conversion of phosphorylated inositol to free inositol. In the nervous system this moderates neuronal excitability. Li also influences monamine neurotransmitter concentrations at the synapse (this function is increased when Li is used therapeutically for mania or bipolar illness).
A confirmatory test for low Li is measurement of Li in blood serum/plasma.
Phosphorus Low
Hair Phosphorus (P) levels do not accurately reflect the adequacy of the biochemical functions of P. Further, hair P concentration does not correlate with dietary intake of P. However, hair P levels may be affected by abnormal calcium, P or vitamin D metabolism and possibly by abnormal magnesium levels. Hair P levels are measured primarily for research purposes.
P is a major component of mineralized tissue such as bone and teeth. Along with calcium, P assimilation into bone is regulated by vitamin D. Phosphates also are present in every cell of the body where they are involved in chemical energy transfer and enzyme regulation. Phosphorylation chemistry is part of carbohydrate, amino acid, and lipid metabolism.
Appropriate tests for assessing P status are measurements of whole blood (total) P level; serum vitamin D-3 and/or 25-0H vitamin D-3 level; and 24-hour urinary P level (together with measurements of calcium and magnesium).
Selenium Low
Selenium (Se) is normally found in hair at very low levels, and several studies provide evidence that low hair Se is reflective of dietary intake and associated with cardiovascular disorders. Utilization of hair Se levels to assess nutritional status, however, is complicated by the fact that use of Se- or sulfur-containing shampoo markedly increases hair Se (externally) and can give a false high value.
Se is an extremely important essential element due to its antioxidative function as an obligatory component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Se is also protective in its capacity to bind and “inactivate” mercury, and Se is an essential cofactor in the deiodination of T-4 to active T-3 (thyroid hormone). Some conditions of functional hypothyroidism therefore may be due to Se deficiency (Nature; 349:438-440, 1991); this is of particular concern with mercury exposure. Studies have also indicated significant inverse correlations between Se and heart disease, cancer, and asthma.
Selenium deficiency is common and can result from low dietary intake of Se or vitamin E, and exposure to toxic metals, pesticides/herbicides and chemical solvents.
Symptoms of Se deficiency are similar to that of vitamin E deficiency and include muscle aches, increased inflammatory response, loss of body weight, alopecia, listlessness, skeletal and muscular degeneration, growth stunting, and depressed immune function.
Confirmatory tests for Se deficiency are Se content of packed red blood cells, and activity of glutathione peroxidase in red blood cells.
Strontium High
Hair usually reflects the body burden of Strontium (Sr), and Sr levels usually correlate with calcium levels in body tissue. However, hair levels of Sr can be raised by external contamination, usually from hair treatment products. Elevated Sr in hair treated with permanent solutions, dyes, or bleaches is likely to be an artifact of hair treatment and probably does not reflect the level of Sr in other tissues.
Diseases of excess Sr have not been reported, except for Sr rickets. In general, Sr excess is not of clinical concern in the U.S. It’s bad reputation comes from it’s radioactive isotopes which were widespread in the western U.S. as a result of nuclear testing in the 1950’s. Stable Sr (not radioactive Sr) is measured and reported by DDI.
Other tests indicative of Sr status or excess are measurements of Sr in whole blood, Sr/calcium ratio in blood, and Sr in urine.
Total Toxic Element Indication
The potentially toxic elements vary considerably with respect to their relative toxicities.
The accumulation of more than one of the most toxic elements may have synergistic adverse effects, even if the level of each individual element is not strikingly high. Therefore, we present a total toxic element “score” which is estimated using a weighted average based upon relative toxicity. For example, the combined presence of lead and mercury will give a higher total score than that of the combination of silver and beryllium.
Hi Eric,
I have also been dealing with copper detox for several years. Do you have an email I could reach you at?
email sent
Its due to adrenal fatigue …your only holding tin because your deficicient in several nutrients thats all …the body only holds onto a toxic metal because its become deficient in a particular mineral or minerals ….research b6 and zinc deficiency
I take 250 mg B6 and 60 mg zinc daily and have taken as much as 150 mg day zinc (without feeling better)…
Dana, can I send my hair analysis to you? What is your email?
If this is your hair test please know that your an undermethylator and u need to test (whole blood histamine) at a lab corp near u …the range on the test is 12-127
70 equals undermethylator
I can tell from your hair test that your an undermethylator with very high unbound copper
First of all ….u need calcium, zinc along with several other nutrients and u need specific methyl donars
Research mensah medical group they have outreach clinics all across the usa..
Your welcome to contact me for tons more info if u want but id have to talk by phone …too much to type …ive helped thousands get diagnosed …when i see something i recognize i just cant sit back and not reach out to someone
Thanks Dana, funny thing I just had my histamine tested and it was 66- what does that mean to you? I do take very high quantities of methyl donors already. No one has recommended I take calcium yet including mineral balancing experts… How would that help?
Well, your hair indicates that you’re losing calcium which means you’ve got a deficiency. It’s just like the copper mechanism and it’s actually related.
High hair calcium means you’ll have both toxicity and deficiency symptoms of calcium. Hence supplementing with it COMBINED with cofactors like boron (think 30mg/day, not 3mg), magnesium, vitamin K etc. will correct the problem, initially by stopping the flood gates and relieving the deficiency symptoms, eventually resolving the toxicity problems by removing calcium from places where it shouldn’t be.
I do think the calcium shell is also a defense mechanism from your body to protect it from the adverse effects of all those heavy metals you’ve got circulating and/or the high copper.
I’ve got the same high hair calcium pattern and I’ve benefitted from high dose boron (30mg/day) and calcium. Boron is also involved in copper metabolism via its role in ceruloplasmin production. And a high calcium pattern apparently always points to toxic copper…
Thanks for the website Eric, it’s been helpful for my own health, I hope I can help you solve your own puzzle a bit in return with this info.
thanks MacGyver! I plan to try out the calcium thing and maybe go back to boron once my manganese gets into the normal range (it’s an antagonist if I recall). I will also be getting a consult from Morley Robbins sometime in the next couple months… Do you think he will recommend calcium?
I read where u rather help by phonecall than typeing, its much info. I am going on 5 yrs sick i had a hair analysis but nobody knows to interpreted i would b very grateful if u have the time to phone me plz 7603968763
Hi Dana,
Could you please help read my daughters hair test result.
Just got my first HA back: apparently I am too weak to excrete hardly any toxic metals- no surprise there! All my trace mins were depleted, esp. lithium and chromium, despite chromium supplementation.
My naturopath (yes I know I said I hated doctors but this one seems very knowledgeable, sincere and inexpensive), had a gene program that showed I have much more mutations than I thought. Apparently I am mutated in glutathione production, folate receptors and stuff that will back up my pathway- don’t understand everything yet but it wasn’t good news.
The only thing I was strong enough to excrete surprisingly, was tin. Tin had a straight line from 0-100. We were trying to figure out why but couldn’t. No drinking from wells near a tin roof. I haven’t eaten out of tin cans lately, and no more than anyone else in my lifetime. Any ideas?
I don’t know about the tin but low lithium is a classic mercury toxicity sign – I’d recommend you get Dr. Cutler’s hair interpretation book… Sounds like you may have some of the same troubles as I do.
I was just thinking about having my hair tested and I noticed where you had it done and… http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Tests/doctors_data.html
What I gather from this is, use the data that comes back with caution and don’t misinterpret that lack or excess of metals or minerals in hair reflects what’s actually stored in your body… I have a question though… I’ve had your 23 (if I racall) rounds of chelation, which has removed quite a bit of the toxic metals, so, if you just stop now, and just go get lots of sleep, eat your peas so to speak and not mess with too many supplements… shouldn’t you feel better than a year ago?? I’m asking, because I’m surely not planning to do this for one whole year… And btw, my problems are somewhat different and perhaps a little less annoying, but they do fall into heavy metal overload category, my sources of Hg were one broken temperature meter, fish, amalgams in my teeth, at least 6 of which were removed a decade ago in a matter of days, of course no precaution was used, lead and other heavy metals from welding, paint (old, sometimes really old) removal via angle grinder brush often with no breathing protection, also a couple of incidents as a kid, absorption of special atomized plastics dye, through skin and lungs, most surely contained lead.
hi Miha, the quackwatch thing is just garbage – I wrote about it here http://howirecovered.wpengine.com/taken-for-a-ride/
Yes I do believe that if I just stopped my treatment now I’m better off than I was a year ago but I don’t believe that I would continue improving at a rate I could live with.I believe I have another two years to go. But remember the improvements keep us going! You sound like you have had some very heavy exposures…
I believe the hair test is very accurate so definitely recommend it.
Hi Eric,
Have you read Dr. Larry Wilson’s website? His explanation of what hair analysis reveals is very interesting.
I haven’t but just took a quick look at http://www.drlwilson.com/read%20articles.htm#PATTERNS and it looks like some entertaining reading for sure! Thanks:)
I’d like to get tested for toxic metals, but I’m not so sure about the hair test. I’ve seen it disparaged in a couple of places. Just wondering, is there another kind of useful test (blood or urine)? I just want to know what the options are.
There is a blood test – I had one in 2007 and it did show a high mercury. there is a urine challenge test also but you cannot do that one with mercury in your mouth. Even the hair test is not foolproof. The only foolproof test is to do a trial chelation round, but you can’t do that with mercury in your mouth either. when you do a chelation round, if you feel side effects or you feel better, that’s the ultimate proof you have heavy metal toxicity.
The advantage of the hair test is you may get other useful information about your nutritional status. From what I can see they are reliable.
What is your thinking about the high dose B6? Do you notice any change in your dreams? Also, as I remember, tingling can be a side effect of high doses, so I never took that much.
I’m going to give it a whirl! Just finished writing about it here: http://howirecovered.wpengine.com/break-on-through-to-the-other-side/
In my research, it seems that it’s a pretty forgiving supplement. The high-end doses are way beyond what I’m trying… how much did you take? I did start dreaming right away with chelation, even before the supplements. But after that I haven’t noticed much change with the supporting supplements.
I have been thinking about getting hair tests done for the whole family. But I guess that I first need to read Cutler’s HTI….. How is it compared to AI? How long did it take you to read it?
Small event for me today: I have now taken a total of 100.000 mg, i.e 100 grams of ALA!
Wow, 100,000 mg – incredible! Funny how different our minds work. It would never occur to me to add that up 😀
I bet that’s one of the reasons you have healed rapidly and I hope I’ll get on the same fast-track at some point after working out iodine and methylation.
HTI is a fast read and a valuable companion. My brain is too scrambled to compare and contrast though.
I would recommend getting the hair tests first. It was a mistake for me to read HTI without the hair test in hand. Later when I got the hair test, I didn’t read thoroughly because I had already read (supposedly) the book. even though it’s a fast read, there’s way too much material if you don’t have your tests to focus you. I also plan to test my wife and kids as soon as the dust settles.
Today I decided to take 50 mg of P5P with breakfast lunch and dinner in spite of the fact that it makes me very foggy. As much as I researched, I could not find any information from Freddd or anyone else as to whether this grogginess could be a startup reaction. So I am hoping to prove that it is. Sort of an impetuous decision, but everywhere I turn I see B6 being mentioned as one of the linchpins. Freddd is still active on PR but not answering questions about methylation…
I have a basic excel sheet that I find quite motivating. Aside from just the number of days, I also calculate a few other things. Let’s see if it work to put up a copy here:
Start date
No of Days
Dose (mg)
Amount ALA
Days on 25 mg
Very interesting! Did you do that just for the chelators or also for the supplements? Posting the spreadsheet did not work. I’d like to see it if there’s some other way…
Congrats! 😉 I know the feeling of getting your hair test back with some pretty surprising and interesting results. Kind of takes your breath away, right?! It’s good news though, as it confirms we’re not crazy, but rather that we are, indeed, very sick.
Others in the Yahoo forum will have better interpretation info. for you. Do you have HTI? It’s very helpful. And the good news is that you’re excreting the metals. If you had an all low test with deranged mineral transport, I’d consider it worse news. And if we were to do another hair test now, while chelating, our bars would most probably be much greater, extending further into the red. Makes for an ugly looking test, but it’s the only way to get it all out!
Thanks Tara! I do have HTI and reviewed it this morning…didn’t see anything there that I’m not doing already. But I just went back and looked again and noticed that there is a lot of information about high copper which applies to me:
“Whether mineral transport is orderly or deranged, body copper levels should be reduced by the use of zinc with every meal and possibly molybdenum as well if the hair copper levels are in the red high range. . . if hair copper levels are over 75 and chelation with ALA for other metals should be restricted somewhat. . . Copper levels over 125, average one day on for every three off chelation. . . To reduce copper levels, give zinc with every meal, molybdenum 1 to 3000 µg a day and nutritional supplements that promote bile flow such as taurine, glycine, milk thistle extract and phosphatidylcholine – all with meals”
Hmmm. I wish this could be easier.