My genetics

[Y]esterday evening I ran up to my computer and started clicking madly in every direction after I saw an email from alerting me that my genetic profile was ready. No methylation or detox information in sight but lots of other interesting things (see image on right). My risk of developing Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s is […]

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Methylation Made Easy

The more I research methylation and experiment with the supplements, the more I understand it’s critical to my recovery and to good health for everyone that wants to avoid a chronic illness.  The other methylation videos (Ben Lynch’s and Rich van Konynenburg’s) I’ve posted are long and technical. Here are some videos produced by Caledonia […]

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Understanding methylation

[M]ethylation is a biochemical process that builds neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, produces energy, processes hormones, builds immune cells, turns genes on and off, synthesizes DNA, produces the protective coating on your nerves and transforms toxins into safer substances. Chemically speaking, methylation describes the addition of a methyl group to a substrate (source material) thereby […]

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