Liver flush: 4th time’s a charm

lacrosse-ball--liver-massage[M]y fourth liver flush has been a huge success, maybe thanks to Michael’s detailed instructions (THANK YOU). My first clue was that I was feeling unusually emotional in the morning which is a proven symptom of detox for me.  Looking at what has come out, I feel absolutely, irreversibly certain that my chronic health problems and toxicity stem from a clogged liver drain (THANK YOU Tara for pointing me in this direction).

We know the liver is your detoxification engine, right? Well imagine  you stuffed handfuls of stones and gravel into your car’s exhaust pipe – how would it run? Let me tell you – it would run just like my body has for the last 13 years, stalling out every few yards.

I did not adhere exactly to Michael’s formula, but pretty close and this is what I did:

  • no fat at breakfast or lunch.
  • no food or drink after 2 PM  – basically agreed on by  Hulda Clark (HC), Andreas Moritz (AM) and Michael Handels (MH).
  • tried not to have any water after 2 PM but failed – drank one glass at 4 PM.
  • drank 3 tablespoons epsom salt mixed with 3 cups of water between 6:00 PM and 9:30 PM. HC/AM/MH recommend 4 tablespoons Epsom salt mixed with 3 cups of water, saving 1 cup of this mix for post-flush. I use salt water post flush and less epsom because I am very sensitive. Hulda Clark and Andreas Moritz recommend 1 cup at 6 PM and 8 PM whereas MH recommends sipping 2 cups slowly between 6 PM and 9 PM.
  • kept taking what I consider my critical supplements – vitamin C, hydrocortisone and magnesium glycinate.
  • took 1/2 cup olive oil at 10:30 PM (should be at 10 PM according to HC/AM/MH) with no juice to avoid the sugar high from juice which would probably disrupt my sleep. And yuck, whereas I like the taste with grapefruit juice, the olive oil is disgusting by itself!
  • 20 minutes of deep massage on the liver with a lacrosse ball and another massage tool.
  • took three charcoal capsules and went to bed.
  • woke around 3 am, took three more charcoal caps and went back to bed.
  • woke again at 5 AM and drank a second 1/2 cup of olive oil without juice again (second flush is my own modification, but commonly done including by MH).
  • another 20 minutes of massage with lacrosse ball and went back to sleep.
  • at 8 AM, I drank a quart of water (4 cups) with 2 teaspoons of sea salt mixed in.

The runs started around 8:30 AM but I did not get any stones until around 2 PM.

The size and ugliness of my stones when they arrived really surprised me. I landed about seven stones that were large enough to hurt coming out, ranging up to fat butter bean size. I don’t know how to communicate this elegantly so I’ll say it crudely – they’re like small rocky turds!!

Another 10 stones were in the range of 1 to 4 pea size and then another 80 or so very small ones.

Since my last flush, I’m no longer getting any of the bright green liver stones which presumably are recently produced. Everything coming out now is dark green which I take as a sign they are old stones coming from deeper inside the liver, and have to think they must be increasingly toxic.

On another note, this was my first evening flush and the afternoon/evening fasting was extremely difficult and unpleasant for me. I ate three eggs with butter, avocado and goat cheese at 9 AM and didn’t start feeling better until around 11am. Next time, I might try adapting Michael’s formula to a morning flush. I’m already feeling much better now at 4 PM but the suffering was pretty intense while it lasted. I was nearly comatose from around 4 PM to bedtime and shaky in addition after 9 PM. Then, in the morning I still felt traumatized until my first meal had a chance to sink in.

To give you an idea how low my energy and brainpower was, last night, I told my wife “Please don’t ask me anything, or even talk to me,” and I was thinking “…or even look at me.” My ability to interact with anyone was near zero.

Update: in the days following this flush,  I seem to have avoided the day of hyperactivity followed by three days of extreme fatigue that I experienced with my first three flushes. I’m hoping that’s the result of using charcoal. Other results include increased tinnitus and decreased sleep quality, both common effects of detox for me…

A week after – my bile flow has increased dramatically. As usual I’ve made too many changes in quick succession to have any idea what might be the main driver. Could just be a whole bunch of things together: successful liver flush, started milk thistle, increased  mfolate, significantly increased fat content (with oil, eggs, cheese, butter and yogurt) of diet and reduced carbs.  Anyway, while I’m very happy about it, I haven’t been feeling so well,
my sleep has deteriorated. Could be from detox or it could be from the kidney herbs which seem to do that last time. I’m still functional but not experiencing any healing feelings.

Another week later – my bile flow has decreased, but is still greater than before I started flushing, even though down substantially from last week. Guessing that my main bile duct is blocked once again and it’s time for another flush!