Hydrogen Peroxide Protocols

[B]elow is the old school formula for internal-use hydrogen peroxide therapy (but if you’re really sick dude like me, don’t follow this protocol, it’s too aggressive and you’ll give up). Further below you’ll see a gentler schedule that I’m currently following.

This is for information only, and should not be considered medical advice. It is supplied so that you can make an informed decision. Please consult with your health practitioner before considering any therapy or therapy protocol.


Take on an empty stomach, 1 hour before a meal and at least 3 hours after a meal. If your stomach gets upset at any level, stay at that level,  or go back one level. NOTE:  If you have Candida you may need to start at 1  drop 3 times per day.

Use the dosages listed in the chart with 8-10 ounces of distilled or purified water. When reaching higher dosages more water may be used.

Aggressive Dosage Schedule  for undiluted 35% H202

  • 1st  day, use 9 drops (3 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 2nd day, use 12 drops (4 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 3rd day, use 15  drops (5 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 4th day, use 18  drops (6 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 5th day, use 21  drops (7 drops; 3 times/day)
  • 6th day, use 24 drops (8 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 7th day, use 27 drops (9 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 8th day, use 30 drops (10 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 9th day, use 36 drops (12 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 10th day, use 42 drops (14 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 11th day, use 48 drops (16 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 12th  day, use 54 drops (18 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 13th  day, use 60 drops (20 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 14th day, use 66 drops (22 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 15th  day; use 72 drops (24 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 16th day, use 75 drops (2S drops,  3 times/day)

For more serious complaints stay at 25  drops, 3 times per day for 1-3 weeks.  Next graduate down to 25 drops, 2 times per day until the problem is taken care of. This may take 1-6 months. Don’t give up!

When free of complaints, you may taper off by taking:

  • 25 drops once every other day, 4 times
  • 25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
  • 25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks

Gentle Dosage Schedule for undiluted 35% H202

Note, if have a lot of health challenges and you want to get started right away, it may be easy for you to find 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide in a local store whereas you probably have to mail order the 35%. If you want to get started that way, you just need to know that 1 drop of 35% FGHP = 12 drops 3% FGHP. So you would take 12 drops of 3% FGHP x 3 on your first and second day…

  • 1st  day, use 3 drops (1 drop, 3 times/day)
  • 2nd day, use 3 drops (1 drop, 3 times/day)
  • 3rd day, use 6  drops (2 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 4th day, use 6  drops (2 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 5th day, use 9  drops (3 drops; 3 times/day)
  • 6th day, use 9 drops (3 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 7th day, use 12 drops (4 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 8th day, use 12 drops (4 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 9th day, use 15 drops (5 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 10th day, use 15 drops (5 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 11th day, use 18 drops (6 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 12th  day, use 18 drops (6 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 13th  day, use 21 drops (7 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 14th day, use 21 drops (7 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 15th  day; use 24 drops (8 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 16th day, use 24 drops (8 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 17th  day, use 27 drops (9 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 18th day, use 27 drops (9 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 19th day, use 30  drops (10 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 20th day, use 30  drops (10 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 21st day, use 33  drops (11 drops; 3 times/day)
  • 22nd day, use 33 drops (11 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 23rd day, use 36 drops (12 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 24th day, use 36 drops (12 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 25th day, use 39 drops (13 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 26th day, use 39 drops (13 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 27th day, use 42 drops (14 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 28th  day, use 42 drops (14 drops,  3 times/day)
  • 29th  day, use 45 drops (15 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 30th day, use 45 drops (15 drops, 3 times/day)
  • And so on until you get to 25 drops, three times a day for a total of 75 drops – then follow the instructions from the aggressive protocol for dropping back… but listen to your body and remember that everyone is unique, so don’t go higher than you feel is right for you!

Gentle Dosage Schedule for undiluted 12% H202

Multiply the drops from the 35% schedule by 3 as follows:

  • 1st day, use 9 drops (3 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 2nd day, use 9 drops (3 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 3rd day, use 18 drops (6 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 4th day, use 18 drops (6 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 5th day, use 27 drops (9 drops; 3 times/day)
  • 6th day, use 27 drops (9 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 7th day, use 36 drops (12 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 8th day, use 36 drops (12 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 9th day, use 45 drops (15 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 10th day, use 45 drops (15 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 11th day, use 54 drops (18 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 12th day, use 54 drops (18 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 13th day, use 63 drops (21 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 14th day, use 63 drops (21 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 15th day; use 72 drops (24 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 16th day, use 72 drops (24 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 17th day, use 81 drops (27 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 18th day, use 81 drops (27 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 19th day, use 90 drops (30 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 20th day, use 90 drops (30 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 21st day, use 99 drops (33 drops; 3 times/day)
  • 22nd day, use 99 drops (33 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 23rd day, use 108 drops (36 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 24th day, use 108 drops (36 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 25th day, use 117 drops (39 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 26th day, use 117 drops (39 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 27th day, use 126 drops (42 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 28th day, use 126 drops (42 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 29th day, use 135 drops (45 drops, 3 times/day)
  • 30th day, use 135 drops (45 drops, 3 times/day)
  • And so on until you get to 75 drops, three times a day for a total of 225 drops

Listen to your body and remember that everyone is unique, so don’t go higher than you feel is right for you!

When free of complaints, you may taper off by taking:

  • 75 drops once every other day, 4 times
  • 75 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
  • 75 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks


  • skin eruptions
  • body ache/tightness
  • headache (or migraine if you get them)
  • lightheaded
  • bloating/abdominal and or fluid retention
  • nausea
  • over emotional
  • sleepiness; unusual fatigue
  • diarrhea
  • colds (in head or chest)
  • ear infections
  • boils
  • any other symptom related to release of toxins from the body!

This is the natural way for the body to cleanse and the natural cleansing  will be of short duration, as you continue to maintain your program. Above all, even if you must decrease the dosage, continue the program,  don’t give up.

If you get a cleansing  reaction, you may want to increase the dosage to hasten the cleansing (assuming you are on vacation at the beach and have no real responsibilities).  A cleansing is the effect of the body of bacteria dying off, or various forms of poisons  being released through the eliminative organs of the body,  i.e.  skin, lungs, kidneys and bowels.

Remember:  When hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with virus and streptococcus, it will liberate free oxygen (02).

This may be happening in your stomach.  If your stomach feels uneasy, it is only the hydrogen peroxide seeking out the virus and streptococcus  to destroy.


9 thoughts to “Hydrogen Peroxide Protocols”

  1. Hi Eric are you still doing this protocol? You’re doing so much its hard to keep up with you with all you’re posting let alone know where to start. Sounds like the liver flush was extraordinary. And now this also………………… I’ve read a lot about the CD protocal but keep shying away from it for some reason…….something in me is saying no to that. So is the HP potentially gentler? How long are you doing it for? Ongoingly? Or for a limited period. And are you seeing ongoing results?

    1. when I got to 15 drops I couldn’t tolerate the nausea anymore so I decided to switch to ozone. I did have some remarkably good moments and days on hydrogen peroxide and believe that I will eventually go back to using a maintenance dose – don’t know how much that will be yet, maybe 10 drops once a day or something like that.

      I’m sure that hydrogen peroxide is gentler than CD – if you’ve ever smelled CD you know why! I don’t think there’s any quantity of CD that doesn’t smell bad whereas with the hydrogen peroxide, you can do three drops in a glass of water and not notice it much.

  2. Hi Eric,
    would doing the h202 protocol kill off all the good bacteria/probiotics in the gut as well?

    1. good question Ron, I have researched that at least three times and honestly I don’t see any research about it just lots of mildly authoritative opinions saying that most beneficial bacteria are aerobic and therefore coexist happily with oxygen supplied by hydrogen peroxide. I think you’ll find lots of recommendations to take probiotics however and I’m doing that to be safe.

      1. ok thanks Eric. On the CD health facebook forum they said that there was an experiment done where cd was put in yogurt and it killed all the lactobacteria but they say in normal doses should not kill much of the good bacteria but probably some is killed. Some people say they get constipation with it I wonder if that is why…

        1. Ron, that is a brilliant idea for testing this question! why didn’t I think of that. Relatively easy to do with yogurt or Kefir. Just having smelled CD, my intuition would be that it kills everything lol.

          1. Let me know the result Eric! It would also be interesting to see what the people on Bottoms Up think, many do enemas with h202.

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